What If one day, you had been married for many years, and your wife comes home and tells you she is unhappy. That it had been a long time since she was happy. She is thinking about leaving…
You don’t go back to business as usual. Your whole life just changed. You are shaken to the core. This news haunts you everywhere you go. You are uncertain. This has completely invalidated your reality. There were signs of unhappiness, but it was easier to make nice and get through the day. Now things will never be the same. It’s out there and can never be put back in the bottle.
You walk through the days contemplating your options… do you fight for her? Restore your partnership? Is it too late? Were you ever really that happy? Has she made it all about her and you are forced to ask yourself if you actually could live without her after all? Maybe you were not as happy as you thought you were? Maybe life without would be better? Wait. No! You can fix this. You can romance her. Put in the work. You can cultivate the garden of your love. Maybe you took her for granted? Don’t take the easy way out! Make every day count! This love is not dead and an EKG is needed to bring it back to life, maybe even stronger than it was. Your history is the strength you need and not a weight holding anyone back from the energy you need to save this. This is worth fighting for! It wont be easy but what is… Run to her! Run like the end of a movie when you realize you can’t live without her! A montage plays, as you run to her, playing out images of the past when you were happy. Now you run even faster, and as you finally get to her, you promise things will never be the same! That you are here. You hear her! And you tell her that from now on things will be different. Your wife’s name is Mother Earth. And she is worth it! You will live out your days knowing you have to work at it. She is not a sure thing. But if you take care of her, she will love you back. And you can live realistically Ever After.